Anniversary Trip with Aimee

It’s our 14th anniversary and we (I) decided it would be a good idea to fly up to Martinsville, VA to have lunch at the Runway Cafe. Aimee didn’t fare so well on our first, so with ginger pills in her system, we gave it another shot.

After engine startup, so far so good. We headed northwest and ten minutes later she was still feeling fine. The weather was okay, but it was a little bumpy. Aimee said that didn’t bother her much, though.

Then, as we passed over Burlington and spotted the Burlington airport, it hit her. She said “You need to land.” I made a quick, unconventional descent and approach to the pattern at BUY and got us on the ground pretty quickly. With head spinning, Aimee made her way out of the plane and into a relaxing back room at the FBO to relax.

We weren’t going to make it to Virginia, but I wondered if she would even make it back. I offered to get someone to drive her home (it’s not that far, really. After twenty minutes of relaxing, she took some more ginger pills and decided to give it another go back to Sanford.

Up in the air with no problems, eyes closed and trying to sleep, we cruised along with a tail wind at about 105 knots; not bad for a 152. We were back in Sanford pretty quickly, with stomach contents still intact. A successful flight in many ways, but still a disappointment.

After a few minutes of recovering in the club, we headed for the nearest Subway, had a nice lunch and conversation without our children. Good times!