This was my first evening flight since daylight savings time ended. My 6-8pm flights had been starting during the day and ending after dark, but tonight...
Continue reading...Flying
Emergency in the pattern
Another day with fantastic weather; a little warmer than yesterday, which made it nearly perfect for flying. Visibility wasn’t fantastic, but it was good enough. We...
Continue reading...New stalls & emergency procedures
I was looking forward to today’s flight. The weather doesn’t get much better than it was today… 60-70°F this morning, clear skies, calm wind and smooth...
Continue reading...Ground school: Class 9
Tonight’s class was more about weather. We covered a little more weather theory and spent the rest of the class talking about all the resources available...
Continue reading...Moore County
The weather was beautiful today, though it was cold and there was a fair amount of turbulance. Gene wanted to go to a new airport about...
Continue reading...Crosswind landings
The forecast for this morning was not looking so good. I sort of expected when I went to sleep last night that I wouldn’t be flying....
Continue reading...Ground school: Class 8
Weather is a major factor in every flight, so a significant part of becoming a pilot is understanding how the weather works and how to use...
Continue reading...A new airport
Since I hadn’t flown in over a week, and my birthday flight was a bust, Aimee was kind enough to stay home and let me schedule...
Continue reading...Way too windy
I was really looking forward to a birthday flight today at 2:30, but I got a call from my instructor that I was sort of expecting....
Continue reading...Still not feeling well
I was only marginally ok for class last night, but my cold wasn’t gone nearly enough for me to fly this morning. No point in pushing...
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