Another great weather day. I could get used to this. The wind was mostly calm, visibility was well over 10 miles, and barely a cloud in...
Continue reading...Flying
Emergency: do over
Today’s flight was from 12:30 to 2:30 instead of my normal morning flight due to no planes being available. It was a nice day, though. Highs...
Continue reading...Ground school: Class 3
Tonight we finished talking about aerodynamics and started on basic flight instruments, how they function, how to read them, and what to expect when they fail....
Continue reading...Landing, landing, landing, landing.
Wow. The weather was just perfect for both flying and motorcycling. I rode to the airport, but I still didn’t have enough time to avoid the...
Continue reading...Bad Mag Check
It was a much warmer day than Thursday; highs in the mid to upper 80s. The weather was questionable. Broken clouds at 1800 feet and some...
Continue reading...First Unassisted Landing!
Today was a much better day. I was a little tired from being at class late last night and having to get up early to go...
Continue reading...Ground school: Class 2
Tonights class was more aerodynamics. There was a lot of review for the first hour since there were a couple new people. We talked about coordinated...
Continue reading...Engine failure
Today started out fine, but ended in some frustration. I bought a new motorcycle tank/tail bag to double as a flight bag for now so that...
Continue reading...Ground school: Class 1
Ground school started today at the club. There were about 14 students of varying ages, but all but one was male. Most were at least my...
Continue reading...Flying blind
The weather was mostly nice today. Visibility wasn’t the best, but no worse than most of my other lessons. Winds were calm, which is always nice....
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