Night ride

I haven’t ridden my motorcycle much lately; mostly because it has been too hot out during the day, and a lot of other stuff has been going on in the evenings. I hope to ride it regularly to the airport when the temperature and humidity drops, but it’s just too hot for now.

I did, however, get out tonight for a nice 50 mile ride in the sticks. I recently did some regular maintenance (carb sync, brake fluid replaced, and other general stuff) and it runs noticeably better than before. Real smooth and the brakes are much more sensitive and strong.

I don’t normally ride through the middle of nowhere at night just for fun, but the weather was wonderful: clear, cool, and not humid at all (at least it didn’t feel like it). There was almost no traffic, but three separate times I encountered a pack of 4-6 deer off to the side of the road grazing. All three times gave me an opportunity to check my brakes, but they were well clear of the street, saw me early, and trotted away. Still a bit unnerving to see such large dumb animals near the road.

I also encountered an opossum scurrying across the road in front of me. What a crazy looking little critter. He could probably cause trouble for me if I hit him, but maybe not. Either way, it would be messy. 😐

As I pulled in, I noticed I hit 5,000 miles on the odometer. So, I’ve ridden a total of 4,463 miles.